Our service has solutions for any concerns you have, whether it's fire and smoke, water or mold damage. We have the rebuilding experience you can trust to rebuild any structure that has been destroyed, as well as ensure health issues are resolved before returning it inside.
We use only the latest professional tools and equipment to ensure we remove as much moisture, mold, mildew, and smoke and/or toxic residue that may remain on walls, floors, ceilings and other surfaces. When other contractors only care about the structure of the building, we guarantee that your family or business will be safe.
When you need fast, reliable service and detailed repairs, no one else restores your home like our team. There's a reason why, 20 years later, we're still the leading name in home and commercial reconstruction services.

Call REBORN RECOVERY SERVICES today for a quote or to schedule a visit. We promise only the best results at affordable prices every day.


We Help With Insurance

We work for you, our customer. That means, we will help you to maximize your coverage and fight to ensure you get the most from your insurance claim. Our team has extensive experience, uses industry standard pricing through Xactimate, and will work directly with your insurance adjuster.


REBORN RECOVERY SERVICES is committed to creating an excellent customer experience during a stressful repair and recovery process. We prioritize communication and education every step of the way, which has resulted in satisfied customers for many years.

For fast and effective water damage services, including reconstruction in Fairfield and the surrounding areas, call (800) 620 4186 or 24/7 emergency call (203) 429 4640 and let us help you restore your property with stress free and exceptional customer care.